Schuylkill River Park

Saturday, Nov 11, 2017

LOVE Your Park Fall Service Day

Please note that this date is a week later than the citywide LYP date

LOVE Your Park 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017

LOVE Your Park Spring Service Day

Photos courtesy of Michael Stern

It poured rain about 8:30, which didn't help, but by 9 the rain had stopped, and people started dripping in! We got most of the edges of the walkway curbs cleaned, including under the benches. Someone cleaned the beds behind Markward and the patio around Markward. We got a lot done. Thank you Jerry, Joan, Sean, Sue, Chris, Laurie, Judith, Selwa, and Mary, to name a few.

LOVE Your Park 2017 LOVE Your Park 2017 LOVE Your Park 2017 LOVE Your Park 2017 LOVE Your Park 2017 LOVE Your Park 2017

Saturday, November 14, 2015

LOVE Your Park Fall Service Day

This is a time for parks all over Philadelphia to get ready for winter, by raking leaves, sweeping up, and doing whatever else needs to be done.

Saturday, April 11, 2015
9 am to 2 pm

Philly Spring Cleanup

The 8th Annual Philly Spring Cleanup is set for Saturday, April 11th from 9AM to 2PM! This is a great way for you, your family, your friends and your neighbors to get involved and do your part to keep our City looking its best. Dedication like yours, along with the can-do attitude of thousands of volunteers all over the city, is exactly what we need to meet our goals.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

LOVE Your Park Fall Service Day

This is a time for parks all over Philadelphia to get ready for winter, by raking leaves, sweeping up, and doing whatever else needs to be done.

For the pretty LOVE Your Park website, click here.

Thank you KIND for your generous donation of water and healthy snacks.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

LOVE Your Park Week Kickoff Service Day

A big shout out to everyone who came out to help us on Saturday during the "LOVE Your Park" clean up at Schuylkill River Park. We appreciate both groups who joined us: the "Helping Hands from the IRS" and the "Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Emergency Department" folks, as well as the many neighbors who gave up their Saturday morning. This includes the steady volunteers like Joan Wells and the newcomers-Phil and Carol.

We appreciate all the help that is offered. The park would not be as nice as it is without your involvement.

Thank you Katie Woo Castelo for the beautiful photos.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Philly Spring Cleanup

9AM – 2PM

Philly Spring Cleanup

The 7th Annual Philly Spring Cleanup will be held on Saturday, April 5th. Volunteer registration and information is available at Register online, or just show up at the Markward Recreation Center. Don't forget: Keep up the Sweep Up!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

LOVE Your Park Spring Cleanup @ Schuylkill River Park

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mayor's Clean up Day

Thank you to everyone who came out, expecially the group from th IRS.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

LOVE Your Park Fall Cleanup @ Schuylkill River Park

Click here for the beautiful PHS LOVE your Park website.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fall Cleanup from 9 am to 1 pm

Saturday, May 12, 2012

LOVE Your Park: Spring Edition

Prudential Fox & Roach Helps with 2012 Love Your Park Day!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Philly Spring Cleanup

Thanks to everyone who came out. Special thanks to the volunteers from Smith Kline.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

LOVE Your Park: Fall Edition

Thank you to everyone who came out. Your hard work is appreciated.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

LOVE Your Park: Spring Edition

Love Your Park is a unique partnership between the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Philadelphia Parks and Rec and Greater Philadelphia Cares. On April 16th one hundred projects took place at parks and other environmental organizations throughout the city, from the Northeast to South Philadelphia - and everywhere in between. This rain-or-shine event provides cleaning and greening in our neighborhoods and education centers just in time for spring traffic.

Thank you to everyone who came out in the cold and windy weather. Your hard work is appreciated.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

4th Annual Philly Spring Cleanup

Thank you to everyone who came out to help. We cleaned and planted pansies in the Lauren Garden. Nearby areas of the park were swept up. Two groups, includiing a busload of Drexel Students, painted the office at the O'Connor Pool, and painted the bathrooms at the Markward Rec Center.

This event is sponsored by the Philly Streets Department. Keep up the Sweep Up!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

LOVE Your Park, Fall edition

Thank you very much to PHS Young Friends, who came out to help paint the fence at our O'Connor Pool. Thanks, also, to Drew Becher, the new PHS President, who got his hands dirty and joined in this endeavor.

Schuylkill Park Cleanup

Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup

Saturday, September 26, 2010

Thanks to the IRS employees who came out on Saturday to assist in refurbishing the O'Connor Swimming Pool. The volunteers spent the day scraping and painting the walls of the restrooms and the metal gate and fence at the entrance to the pool. These employees were ones who were moving into their new work location in the old Post Office building across from the 30th Street Train Station. Some had moved in already, others were moving in the coming weeks, and all of them felt that helping out a neighbor seemed appropriate. Some of the employees had volunteered at our Park last May (see below), but this was the first time we concentrated on working at the Pool.

Thanks also to the Rittenhouse Hardware, Home Depot, Jt Christensen and Steve Slaterbeck for helping with the supplies. Joe Fagan from the Markward Rec Center was invaluable as always. The sandwiches from Gavin's Cafe were great.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

On Saturday, May 8th the Friends of Schuylkill River Park participated in "Love Your Park", a citywide park work day coordinated by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Fairmount Park, and the Department of Recreation. Volunteers, including a large group from the IRS, painted railings and posts, placed 10 cubic yards of compost and 10 cubic yards of wood mulch around plantings, weeded and swept, planted annuals in the Lauren Garden, and much more. Thank you to Judy and Joe at the Markward Recreation Center for providing pretzels and logistical assistance. Thank you for PHS for all of their support.

The following pictures were taken by Jt Christensen

Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Philly Spring Cleanup

Keep up the Sweep Up!

Thanks to over 30 people who came out to clean up. We cleaned the tennis courts, the blacktop play areas, and the paths. Volunteers in the dog run pruned overhanging shrubs and redistributed the gravel. We removed the Belgium block from the playground area, where it was hazardous to runnning children. We weeded and mulched in the Lauren Garden and the Holly Garden, and planted Marigolds in the Lauren Garden. Thanks to everyone for their hard work and a job well done.

FSRP Fall Cleanups 2009

Sunday, November 15th from 10am - Noon

Special thanks to Carolyn, Dot, and Sharon.

Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup

Sunday, November 1 - The "Green Team" from BZBI

In conjunction with the Jewish Federation City-Wide Mitzvah Mania, the "Green Team" from BZBI came to work in the park. They pulled weeds, raked leaves, made mulch donuts around the trees with the raked leaves, picked up litter along the ballfield fence, pruned in the Lauren and holly gardens, and planted some achillea millefolium (yarrow) in the holly garden. Thank you very much to all those who helped. We got lots of work done and had a great time.

Schuylkill Park Cleanup
Schuylkill Park Cleanup
Schuylkill Park Cleanup
Schuylkill Park Cleanup
Schuylkill Park Cleanup
Schuylkill Park Cleanup
Schuylkill Park Cleanup

August 11, 2009

Greater Philadelphia Cares Service Project

One of the hottest days of the summer and 20 teens from North and South Philadelphia high schools came to our park for a day of community service. The project was organized by Greater Philadelphia Cares in conjuction with To Our Children's Future with Health. The project was to clean the area around the Taney Ballfield. The volunteers weeded the sidewalk and the tree pits on Taney Street. They pruned the overgrown shrubs and pruned and weeded around the edges of the field. They filled 25 leaf bags with weeds and debris. Special thanks to their volunteer coordinator and the 2 landscape professionals who came with them to supervise the work. The area looks great!

Schuylkill Park Cleanup Schuylkill Park Cleanup

April 4, 2009

Mayor's Citywide Cleanup

For more pictures of this event by Jt Christensen, follow this link to his MobileMe Gallery

April 18, 2009

Spring into your park

Thank you so much for coming out for the 10th annual "Spring Into Your Park" event sponsored by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's Philadelphia Green. We want to particularly thank the CIGNA employees who chose our park for their community service. Thanks to PHS for tools, gloves, snacks, and support.

As a result of your help, we were able to accomplish the following:

  • Fill 30 bags of trash

    The first 5 people to identify this hard worker will win an adult T-shirt. Please email us with your answer, the size of T-shirt you want, and how we can reach you.
  • Plant 25 snapdragons at the Taney entrance to the park


  • Redistribute gravel & maintain the surface of the Dog Run

  • Mulch trees with the dead wet leaves we scooped up from the basketball areamulch

  • Water new flowers and recently planted trees

  • Prime and paint bike racks
  • Pick out gloves

  • Prune

  • Weed

  • Sweep

  • Enjoy a Birthday Party

  • Play ball

  • Dance

May 16, 2009

Philadelphia Cares about Fairmount Park Day

On May 16th, Greater Philadelphia Cares, the Fairmount Park Commission, and The Friends of Schuylkill River Park sponsored a cleanup in our park. Volunteers from the Charter HIgh School For Architecture and Design (CHAD) and Drexel University helped us maintain and beautify the park. The city sent tools, bags, and flowers. The Friends supplied the donuts and water.

In the picture on the left, the Lauren Garden at 25th and Spruce was weeded, planted, and watered. At right, after the work was done, two surveyers inspected the job.

In the pictures above, volunteers from Drexel did an excellent job of returning the Belgium block to the tree pit in front of the dog run. The blocks had been removed when the new cherry tree was planted last week. These blocks weigh 20-30 pounds each, so this was not easy work.

All the tree gator bags for the recently planted trees were filled.

Students from CHAD showed their expertise with the weed wacker. They went around the paths, wacked the weeds from the cracks, and then painstakingly swept up all the debris.

Without the help of our dedicated volunteers, our park certainly would not look so beautiful!

Thank you!

At the end of the day, these men took away all the trash

May 17, 2008

Philadelphia Cares about Fairmount Park Day

In partnership with The Fairmount Park Commission, and The Friends of Schuylkill River Park, Greater Philadelphia Cares mobilized volunteers to help beautify and maintain our park.

Special thanks to the volunteers from Price Waterhouse and Building with Books, Philadelphia, without whom we would not have accomplished as much nor had nearly as much fun.

With your help, we succeeded in doing the following:

  1. Weeded and swept the following areas:
    • picnic area
    • playground area
    • all sidewalks & paths
    • park entrance at 25th & Spruce
    • garden entrances & benches
  2. Weeded and mulched tree wells on 25th Street
  3. Pruned trees with professional help by Bartlett Tree Experts
  4. Mulched trees
  5. Planted annuals provided by Fairmount Park

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

Schuylkill River Park Cleanup Schuylkill River Park Cleanup Schuylkill River Park Cleanup Schuylkill River Park Cleanup fplogo Schuylkill River Park Cleanup

FSRP · PO Box 30246 · PHILADELPHIA, PA 19103 ·